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Lip Systems & Shrouds

Lip Systems

Lip Systems

Gain a competitive advantage with Bladesaver QM™ and plate lip technology. These proven G.E.T. lip systems will help maximize productivity and protect against unnecessary wear during your next construction application.

To maximize productivity and protect against unnecessary wear in mining applications, consider Hensley’s proven G.E.T. lip systems for your next lip replacement. Extend your application’s lifespan with our multiple wear packages and options for excavators, cable shovels, wheel loaders and load haul dump (L.H.D.).

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For increased wear life, greater productivity, and faster change-outs, shroud systems offer maximum protection in some of the harshest mining conditions and construction applications. Choose from an extensive product line of j-bolt, conventional whisler, wing, weld-on, corner heel, or pin-on vertical shrouds to add wear protection and lifespan to your mining and construction equipment.

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